Let me validate my confusion.
I love tulips, but I hate how they behave in the Northwest where the springish winter starts them growing in February, making them prone to frost damage and thus the fungus Botrytis tulipae, or Tulip Fire. I’ve been warned by the experts to not plant tulips in the same spot except for every third year. But I don’t listen. My love of tulips gets in the way. So I’m trying to cultivate a hate of tulips. So, when Fall delivers all those colorful catalogues and I’m already feeling anxious for spring and I totally forget how bad the tulips looked the past spring, I won’t buy them again. After all 3 years isn’t that long.
So here’s a few of my favorite tulips to hate:
The too unnatural ‘Black Hero’
The way too lovely ‘Perestroyka’
The clownishly graceful ‘Burning Heart’.( Do you see the heart in the tulip in the upper left corner of the photo? Too charming.)